Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Moon in Libra

   Here is the first installation of my feng shui of astrology blogging :) Please visit my Feng Shui of Astrology page for more info!
    With the new moon at 4 degrees Libra as of 5:09am (MDT) today, I prepared yesterday by finding 4 degrees Libra in my chart. For me this falls in my first house.  The first house in astrology corresponds to the Career/Life Path bagua in Feng Shui and the color Black. The way I determined which areas of my house to clean up and prepare to welcome some fresh energy, in order to align with this new moon, were several-fold.
    First I made a list of each room in my house, including the entrances, such as Front Door, Living Room, Dining Room, etc. There are a couple of schools of thought in feng shui, one where the Career/Life Path bagua is the front entrance (to a house/room, etc) and the other is by direction, where that bagua is in the North. I'm not sure which school of thought I ascribe to, so I decided to go with both of them.
    Next I made a list of all the areas that would correspond to this bagua from all the angles.  And because I apparently like to complicate matters, I also added another configuration where I considered my back door the 'front entrance' because I use it to leave/enter my house more than the front door.
    After associating all the areas of my house with different baguas, my First House - Career/Life Path bagua consists of these focus areas: Front door, Back door, Master Bedroom and the Stairs (in the north).
    For my new moon ritual, I cleaned the front and back doors, as well as the separate door to my garage, and cleaned all of the clutter out of the front door area. To finish up this week I am going to re-paint the outside of the entrances since the paint has chipped and is weathered a bit since I moved in (6 years ago).
    I guess it is no surprise that I am spending so much time updating my blog either, since it relates to my 'life path' which I'd like to someday turn into my career ;)

1 comment:

  1. I would love it if you could help me with this also. You are so in tune to things that I just don't even think about... And you know how I seem to always be stuck in the same recurring themes. I love you - you rock. Way to go!
