Wednesday, August 24, 2011

(Knitting) Project Management

     I have been focused this month on wrapping up the multitudes of projects I started within the last few months. I've also been working on making progress on some non-knitting projects, including latch hooking (a 3D penguin when it's done!), cross stitch (tiger pool project I've been working on forever), and I've picked up weaving and am taking a class for it!
     With Mercury in Retrograde, it seemed like a good time to finish rather than start things. And the great news is that Mercury goes direct on Friday, and then there is a New Moon Sunday, so I'm probably going to set my sights on starting all these yummy new projects then.
     In other news, I have had a bit of an identity crisis with my 'brand' that I am continually trying to develop. I'm in the process of reformulating my whole approach and I expect this blog to morph as well! So stay tuned for more about that.
     The main project I've managed to complete is the blanket for my friend who is due with her first in a couple of weeks. I started it back in April and even worked on it at Jazz Fest! I'm excited to deliver it, though not sure if as excited as she is to deliver! (haha).  In the process of making that blanket, I fell in love with the yarn, Mushishi, which is a 95% wool/5% silk blend. Verigated and a little uneven in weight, but only to a charming degree. Plus, everyone LOVES the color green that it is. I'll have a picture up soon.
    Earlier in the month I wrapped up the hand dyed tubular sweater that I made for a class I had on the schedule. Unfortunately the class did not happen (no one signed up). But I am glad to have finally made something out of that beautiful hand dyed yarn that I've had for a couple years.
     For now, trying to finish these fishnets .... :O()

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