Sunday, June 19, 2011

social knitting

     Who knew such an individual craft like knitting would also be such a social activity!?  I'm not sure if this is the way things have always been -- I've only been knitting for about 7 years -- but it sure is a big component of the knitting world today.
     Once a month I go down to my local knit shop/yarn/fiber store for Knit Knite! An awesome little get together which often includes a special sale and is always a great place to get advice on projects, get help on mistakes, or at least check out some other projects in progress. My knit store also has $1/slice pizza.
     It's great to see knitters of all levels interacting. People from all walks of life. I think it is essential for any knitter - from the hard-core to the just beginning - to attend these types of events. If not to get help and advice from more experienced knitters, sometimes it is nice to get out of the house and knit! And you are sure to learn something. Or you can co-miserate about some part of a project that was really tough to do.  Knit nights are also a great way to meet new people if you happen to move.  Last month at knit night there was a lady who had just moved here from Minnesota. She loves to knit and wanted to meet people and found her way to the right place!
     If your local yarn store doesn't have a knitting night, but you know other knitters, set up a night of your own! My best friend Becca and her friends up in the fort (collins) get together every Tuesday night to knit and socialize.  Even if you don't make progress on your projects, you know you'll get some feedback from your audience!  I love seeing what other knitters are working on. It always gives me more ideas of what I can do and how I can expand my craft.
     Here's a link for locating a group in your area:  If you don't see your usual spot on this site, there is a link right on that page to add them! Spread the word, and the love of the craft. Happy knitting :)

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