Monday, October 31, 2011

New Moon in Scorpio

  Well I'm several days late on this post, I blame the busy times and Halloween! But that is no excuse, I've been thinking about it since last Wednesday, October 26th when the new moon occurred at 4 degrees in Scorpio.
   For me this fell in my 2nd house, which is the Prosperity/Abundance Gua. I was also a few days late on doing some proper prep and dedication, but I read in my astrology magazine that you have a good 2 weeks after the new moon to put new things in action. So I cleaned my office nice and shiny on Saturday and since have begun really working on defining some of the career aspirations that were probably also motivated by the prior new moon.
   In the 13 moon calendar, this month (which started mid-October and continues to Nov 14th) is about asking " what form does our service takes in the world?" Scorpio is a sign of deep water and so I am starting to dive deeper than I ever have into the definitions of how my service can be shared into the world, and also how I can attain my own prosperity from that!
   As a final note to this post, I'm just going to add that starting with the full moon in Libra, I will try to document progress made in a gua or sign when the dedication I set out at the new moon comes to completion with the full moon in the same sign.